Ficient Global
Founded in 2011, Ficient Global is a leading provider of various events and services related to trade compliance, export control, customs, tax and other international trade related matters. Our mission is to enhance the comprehensive capability of compliance management, risk control, budget planning, import & export operation for our membership.
Why Attend This Summit?
Despite the long period of pandemic has been gone through, the global trade environment has never stopped changing and the tensions between different sides are even adding global uncertainties. Trade cooperations, control measures and sanctions have becoming important issues that trade compliance practitioners need to notice and keep in mind. Given this situation, compliance managers are facing more difficulties and challenges.
Based on this, Ficient Global is going to hold “The 11th Global Trade Compliance (China) Summit”. Senior trade compliance managers from multinational enterprises, trade compliance experts from consulting firms and law firms will be invited as speakers to share topics on current trade and customs environment and give directions and methods of improving compliance planning and management. Furthermore, main customs and trade policy updates and key points in import & export practice will also be discussed to make enterprises understand the changes and trends of global trade environment, grasp the latest knowledge in international trade and avoid compliance risks.
Who Should Attend?
September 14, 2023
and Morning Tea
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Address
Customs and Trade Policy Updates of US and the Practice
US’s recent trade cooperation with other sides
Trade/economy strategies/opinions towards China
Updates of section 301 tariffs on Chinese goods
Updates of the implementation of The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA)
Updates and interpretation of CBP policies
Updates of export control/sanctions enforcement
Case sharing on customs clearance: e.g.: ISF declaration, duty rate determination, customs inspections
Morning Refreshment and Networking
Semiconductor Classification (HS) Standard Interpretation Guide
K-REACH list changes
Certificate of origin issuance and origin examination
Common problems in customs valuation
Recent situation of South Korea-Japan trade
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking
Day One Sessions Ending
and Morning Tea
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Address
Recent trade/customs cooperation and the impacts,
e.g.: AEO authorization; trade agreements
Case sharing
Morning Refreshment and Networking
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking
Chair's Closing Remarks and Summit Ending
o Trade Compliance, Customs Affairs, Trade Management, Import & Export Management
o Finance, Tax and Legal Departments
o Logistics, Purchase, Supply Chain and Operation Departments
State-owned, Foreign-capital and Private Import & Export Enterprises
Foreign Invested Production-Oriented Enterprises
Import & Export Enterprises that doing businesses with Asia-Pacific countries, EU and US
Customs, Tax Consulting Firms and Law Firms
Supply Chain and Logistics Service Organizations
Directors, Managers and Practitioners from but not limited to the following departments:
Lawyers and Consultants focusing on the following fields:
Import & export regulations: tariff, quota, rules of origin, etc.
VAT changes
Restricted or prohibited imports & exports (such as sensitive items) and certificates
Customs supervision targeting end-user
September 15, 2023
o Customs Affairs, International Trade, Indirect Tax, etc.
Managers from Third Party Logistics Service Providers, including:
o Freight Forwarding Agencies, Customs Broker, Logistics Companies, etc.
Nick Baker Managing Director,Export Controls, Sanctions & Trade FTI Consulting (US)
James Grogan Managing Director Export Control, Sanctions and Trade
Team Sanctions & Trade FTI Consulting (US)
Intellectualization of Cross-border Trade Management
Steven Xu Operation Director Fastrade Cloud (Shanghai)Technology Co., Ltd.
Outline and Interpretation of Trade/ Import & Export Policy Updates of South Korea and the Impacts on Practice
Sally Luo APAC Trade Compliance Manager Burberry (Shanghai) Trade Co., Ltd.
Customs and Trade Policy Updates of Australia and Customs Clearance in Practice
Trade agreement/cooperation relevant to China
Customs policy updates and facilitation measures
Requirements and procedure of customs declaration and clearance
Wood packaging rules
Special requirements of particular items
Case sharing on import & export practice involving Chinese enterprises
Common problems in customs declaration, e.g.: inspection, duty rate determination
Bianca Flint Director / Customs Broker OneSource Customs & Logistics (Australia)
Introduction on Import & Export Policies and Practice of France
EU customs procedures and AEO programs/Trust and Check traders
Non-Preferential origin in the EU with case study
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) with case study
Interpretation of the impact on China
Pier Paolo Ghetti Partner Deloitte EU
Laura Gialloreto Director Deloitte EU
Dolly Zhang Partner Deloitte (Shanghai)
Introduction on Import & Export Policies and Practice of France
Bertrand Rager Avocat CUSTAX & LEGAL(France)
Customs and Trade Policy Updates of Thailand and Practice on Customs Audit
Kanyapak Thongpae Associate Baker & McKenzie(Thailand)
Updates of trade agreements
Trade agreements/cooperation relevant to China and how to use the policies
Customs policy updates and facilitation measures
Import & export practice: e.g.: customs declaration of bonded goods, dangerous goods
Case sharing on import & export practice involving Chinese enterprises
Updates of Trade Agreements of Singapore, ASEAN and Import & Export in Practice
Wong Meng Yew Customs leader, Partner Deloitte AP
Alexander Goh Senior Manager Deloitte AP
Dolly Zhang Partner Deloitte (Shanghai)
Japan Customs Clearance in Practice
Customs policy updates and recent key policies
Customs facilitation policies and practice
Customs clearance process, special import & export requirements and documents needed
Case sharing on import & export practice involving Chinese enterprises
Panel discussion: How to Develop the Skills and Abilities of Trade Compliance Practitioners and Improve Compliance Management of Enterprises
Flora Sun Customs & trade, Director Greater China & Japan Philips (moderator)
Sally Luo APAC Trade Compliance Manager Burberry (Shanghai) Trade Co., Ltd.
Michael Jiang Managing Partner NH International
Parry Zhou Partner Global Law Office
Interpretation of Customs Policy Updates of UK and the Impacts on Practice
Skills and knowledge needed for customs and trade compliance practitioners under the current global and local trade environment
The significance of enterprises' compliance management under the current global and local trade environment
How to develop compliance management strategies and identify weaknesses
Common problems need to notice and experiences sharing about recent customs supervision and practice
Experience sharing about how do customs and trade compliance practitioners identify problems, observe problems and solve problems
How do customs and trade compliance practitioners develop skills and knowledge
Shenshen Lin Partner Global Trade EY(UK)
UK Customs Authorities update
Wider trade landscapes
Trends and best-in-class practices in the UK
September 2, 2021
and Morning Tea
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Address
Analysis on Current U.S. Trade Policy
The main trade strategies and policies of the new Biden administration
Trade measures on specific countries (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea …)
Current tariff policy
Recent trade conflict and its compliance inspiration
The progress of tax reform and the changes in compliance strategy of enterprises
Lawrence Hanson Principal The Law Office of Lawrence W. Hanson, P.C. (U.S.)
o Trade defense rules have become harsher
o Screening foreign investments started
o Tougher stance on subsidies, also in the area of trade in services
o Drive to enforcement of trade rules and commitments incl. the appointment of the Chief Enforcement Officer
o Focus on becoming less dependent on imports
o Anti-coercion instrument
Morning Refreshment and Networking
Common Practical Problems and Solutions in Import and Export of South Korea
Introduction to the customs checking system and the situation that may cause customs checking
Requirements on HS code
Introduction to the customs audit system and the situation that may cause customs audit
Dealing with declaration mistake and application of voluntary disclosure system
Import and export requirements on dangerous goods, hazardous chemicals and notes
TaeJoo Kim Partner KPMG (South Korea)
Jae-Won Kim (John) Manager KPMG (South Korea)
EU Trade Cooperation and Trade Policy Changes
EU trade policy is becoming more protectionist
EU trade policy towards China
o EU labelled China as a systemic rival and strategic competitor – what does that mean
o Recent agreements / cooperation between China and EU
1.China-EU agreement on geographical indications
2.China-EU Investment Agreement BIT
New EU regulations relevant for import and export
o EU Green Deal impact incl. carbon tax
o Securing supply chain Due Diligence
o Tech regulation and export control (move towards separate supply chains?)
o EU sanctions policy and measures (Global Magnitsky Regime)
Arnoud Willems Partner Sidley Austin LLP (Brussels)
The Key Points of EU Customs System, Import and Export Policies and Relevant Practice
Introduction to the customs system
Import licensing system
mport supervision measures
Import Control System ICS2 and its changes to the specific work of enterprises
Products involved in CE and the requirements
Customs clearance facilitation policies
Customs policy updates of EU and specific EU countries (including Brexit relatrelated)
Examples of major differences in customs requirements of EU countries and solutions
Michael Tomuscheit Managing Director AWB Consulting (Deutschland)
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking
UK's Trade Cooperation and Trade Strategy After Brexit
Impact of Brexit on trade within the UK
o Changes to UK customs
o UK tariff and duty rates
o Freeports
Impact of Brexit on trade between the UK and the EU
o Impact of the TCA on trading with the UK
o Rules of origin under the TCA
Impact of Brexit on trade between the UK and China / Rest of the World
o New trade agreements entered into by the UK
o Future proposed trade agreements
John Grayston Avocat,Solicitor Grayston & Company (Brussels)
Changes and Adaptations on Import and Export Work After Brexit
Changes in customs measures and new regulations (procedures, document requirements...)
Dealing with the problems about CE and UKCA
Changes in AEO standards and policies
EORI application
Neil Johnson Co-Founder and Director Tradenet Services Pte Ltd (TNETS)(UK)
Elena Slade Global Trade Compliance Director CNH Industrial (UK)
Chair's Remarks and Day One Sessions Ending
September 3, 2021
Sign in and Morning Tea
Supplier or contract reconsideration...
Additional discussion: other related issues worth considering (supply chain adjustment, cost...)
How to assess possible compliance risks
Key points of import and export work planning at present
Brief intro of CBP enforcement mechanism: CF 28, 29, detention order etc.
Enforcement priorities
Introduction to U.S.Customs and Law Enforcement
Sally Peng Managing Director FTI Consulting (Hong Kong)
U.S. Trade and Customs Policies
Trade Compliance Risk Areas
Audit Process and Targeting
How to Prepare for US Customs Review
Based on U.S. Trade and Customs Provision and Policies, Corresponding Key Points of Enterprise Compliance
Cindy Deleon Founder & Senior Trade Auditor Deleon Trade LLC (U.S.)
o WRO detention order
o EAPA : evasion of AC/CVD duties
o Evasion of 301 duties
o First sale duty
o Impact on companies with Asia operation
Chair’s Welcome and Address
Refreshment and Networking
Interpretation of Malaysia Special Area (bonded), Free Zone and Solutions to Common Practical Problems of Import and Export
Joseph Jacob Regional Customs Manager HP Inc. (Singapore)
Vietnam Bonded Processing Trade Practice and Hot Issues on Import and Export
Introduction to the bonded trade (requirements of customs, conditions, preferential policies ...)
Requirements of free zones
Conditions of application, policies, procedures of licensed manufacturing warehouses outside the free zones
Comparison and difference between free zones and licensed manufacturing warehouses
Process of re-export, transshipment and their difference
Dealing with declaration mistake and application of voluntary disclosure system
Introduction to protective trade policies, restricted/prohibited import/export commodity and license requirements
Bonded industrial park and its declaration process
Processing trade account book management and cancel after verification
Provisions and operations for temporary import, re-export and transshipment
Import of second-hand equipment
New regulations of origin rules and origin compliance
Recent trade agreements and trade cooperation
Bryce Wu Asia Director Dell Technologies
Interpretation of India's Recent Import and Export Policies and Other Practical Issues
Update of tariff
Application for preferential tax rate
Introduction to the policy of Free Zone/Export Processing Zone
Policy of import restriction
Restricted/prohibited import/export commodity
Special requirements for import and export documents
Introduction to the customs checking system and the situation that may cause customs checking
Trade/import and export hot issues related to the epidemic
Sanjay Notani Senior Partner Economic Laws Practice (India)
Jitendra Motwani Partner Economic Laws Practice (India)
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking
Interpretation of RCEP and Its Implementation in Import and Export
Overview and progress
Interpretation of the structure and main content of RCEP
Trade facilitation measures in RCEP
Comparison with other current free trade agreements
Connection with "Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement" (CPTPP)
Tariff concession policy
Comparison with the tariff concession policies of other current trade agreements
Rules of origin, certificate of origin
Comparison with the rules of origin of other current free trade agreements
Compliance and optimal utilization of RCEP in import and export
Asta Nie Partner PwC
Panel Discussion: Experience and Case Sharing on Import and Export Practice of U.S., EU and Asia-Pacific Countries
Tracking and utilization of trade agreements
Tariff/cost planning
Origin compliance management
Response to inspection/audit
Solution to inconsistencies in customs regulations such as HS code discrepancy
Solution to declaration mistake and other common issues
Application of voluntary disclosure system
Import and export of products in specific industries
Special import and export documents
Facing the epidemic, changes in international trade, changes in the policies of trading countries, etc., how to control the whole picture of trade compliance...
Experts from Renowned Trade Law Firm/Consulting Firm/ Senior Trade Compliance Managers
Chair's Remarks and Ending
Why Attend This Summit?
Issues such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak and escalation of Russia-Ukraine conflict bring a lot of impacts and uncertainty on international trade in 2022. Logistics, supply chains, transportation, currency exchanges, finance and investments of enterprises around the world are also being affected. Therefore, officers who are responsible for import & export, such as trade compliance managers, customs specialists and related employees have to face new challenges from overall strategies and management to detailed implementation. Apart from efficiently and compliantly handling regular tasks like customs clearance, tax planning and usage of FTAs, they also need to have a higher vision, understand current complicated international trade situations, and think about and implement trade compliance from a global perspective.
Based on this, Ficient Global is going to hold “The 10th Global Trade Compliance (China) Summit”. Quite a few senior trade compliance managers from foreign renown multinational corporations and trade compliance experts from trade consulting firms and law firms will be invited as speakers. They will share their analysis on current trade and customs environment in different countries and regions, give updates on main trade and customs policies and interpret key points in import & export, in order to help delegates to understand the changes and trends of global trade environment, grasp the latest rules and knowledge in international trade, improve the trade compliance and avoid compliance risks.
Who Should Attend?
October 27, 2022
and Morning Tea
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Address
Introduction and Analysis of Recent US Trade Cooperation/Policies/Measures and Strategies on Compliance & Supply Chain Planning
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
Main trade policies toward China
Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
301 investigation and main industries involved
Analysis of compliance risks
Impacts on supply chains, trade compliance and other aspects, and matters that worth companies’ attention
Strategic Changes of Supply Chain/Freight Planning, Trade Compliance under the Current International Trade Circumstance (US Trade Policies, Russia-Ukraine Conflict, COVID-19, etc.)
Key points that need to take into consideration when changing the strategies of supply chain/freight planning /trade compliance (balance of costs, efficiency, feasibility; possible secondary problems, etc.) Risk analysis and risk control
Lila Landis Director, Global Compliance and Import Services SEKO LOGISTICS (U.S.)
Licensed Customs Broker, Certified U.S. Export Compliance Officer
Morning Refreshment and Networking
o Implementation of RCEP in Singapore
o Sanctions against Russia
o Updates on requirements of processing trade declaration in Singapore
o Changes of HS 2022 and the impacts on import & export Customs facilitation policies
Rules of origin in ATIGA
Amendments of the rules of origin in ATIGA in detail (Vietnam, Singapore)
Changes of ASEAN harmonized system 2022
Customs policies and trade measures of Singapore
Benedict Teow Associate Taxise Asia LLC
International trade cooperation
Tariff policy updates
Changes in GST rates and the influences
Changes of HS 2022 and its influences on import & export
Recent common problems on customs clearance and how to deal with (with case studies)
Common problems in verification of certificate of origin
Interpretation of tariff preference policies
Ajinkya Gunjan Mishra Partner Formerly L&L Partners Law Offices (New Delhi)
Brief introduction of clearance procedures, notable requirements/documents of import/export
How to use tariff reduction/exemption policy
Implementation of RCEP in Japan
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking
Changes and challenges in compliance management caused by the current international/domestic environment
Key points and improvements should be made in compliance management currently
Day One Sessions Ending
and Morning Tea
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Address
Notable updates of CBP regulations
What's New in CBP enforcement priorities/audits?
Morning Refreshment and Networking
Interpretation of CEPA
Import & export compliance key practice
Strategic commodity control
U.S. Export Control Policy Change Related to Hong Kong (Semiconductor Industry)
o U.S. Chip Act
o BIS new rule in August (Semiconductor raw materials and design software)
o BIS new rule in October (Certain Advanced Computing and Semiconductor Manufacturing Items)
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking
Chair's Closing Remarks and Summit Ending
o Trade Compliance, Customs Affairs, Trade Management, Import & Export Management
o Finance, Tax and Legal Departments
o Logistics, Purchase, Supply Chain and Operation Departments
State-owned, Foreign-capital and Private Import & Export Enterprises
Foreign Invested Production-Oriented Enterprises
Import & Export Enterprises that doing businesses with Asia-Pacific countries, EU and US
Customs, Tax Consulting Firms and Law Firms
Supply Chain and Logistics Service Organizations Directors, Managers and Practitioners from but not limited to the following departments:
Lawyers and Consultants focusing on the following fields:
o Customs Affairs, International Trade, Indirect Tax, etc.
Lawyers and Consultants focusing on the following fields:
o Freight Forwarding Agencies, Customs Broker, Logistics Companies, etc.
Case Studies on Reducing Trade Compliance Risks Digitally
Introduction of the modules and advantages of the platform
How to help companies to achieve the goal of compliance
Case studies: one of the Fortune 500, a luxury group which owns a series of world-renowned brands
Steven Cheif Operation Officer Fastrade Cloud (Shanghai) Technology Ltd
Recent Trade Measures and Customs Policies of Singapore and ASEAN
Customs New Policies of India and Interpretation of Common Problems in Customs Clearance
Analyzing How Digital Tools Enhance Trade Compliance Management from The Angle of Digital Science
Yoyo General Manager LONGNOWS
Brief Introduction of Japan Import and Export Process and Practice
Shunsuke Imura Senior Associate Mori Hamada & Matsumoto (Japan)
Attorney at Law Admitted in Japan and New York
Interpretation of Recent EU and German Customs/Trade Policies
EU customs policy updates
Carbon tax policy
Influences of Brexit on customs clearance and other import & export matters
Main sanctions and trade control policies against Russia
Foreign Subsidies Regulation and impacts on Chinese state-subsidized companies
Proposal for a regulation of the european parliament and of the council on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market. And what is the impact on Chinese enterprise
Updates on customs policies of Germany
Leonard von Rummel Rechtsanwalt BLOMSTEIN (Berlin)
o EORI application requirements
o Dealing with practical problems on VAT customs clearance
Analysis of the Key Strategies, Main Risks and Solutions of Compliance Management Considering Current Global/Domestic Trade Situations
Frank Pan Partner FenXun Partners Representative
Baker & McKenzie FenXun (FTZ) Joint Operation Office
October 28, 2022
Recent Law Enforcement of U.S. Customs and Corresponding Compliance Key Points for Enterprises in China
How to use “First Sale”
Practical considerations on customs compliance for enterprises in China
Mark J. Segrist International Trade Lawyer, Member of the Firm
ST&R | Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A.
CEPA and Hong Kong Import & Export practice & U.S. Export Control Policy Change Related to Hong Kong
Solutions to the new rule
o Classification
o Delisting
Sally Peng Managing Director, Export Controls, Sanctions & Trade FTI Consulting
Julie Zhu Director, Export Controls, Sanctions & Trade FTI Consulting
Current Trade and Customs Environment and Main Policy Changes of Vietnam
Introduction of Vietnam's free trade agreements and current international trade cooperation
RCEP implementation in Vietnam
Main new customs policies and the impacts(export goods labels, supervision of processing trade enterprise, VAT deduction)
Upgrade of customs declaration procedure and other facilitation policies
Common problems and dos and don'ts during customs procedures
Bui Ngoc Tuan Partner Tax and Business Advisory Services Deloitte Vietnam Tax
New Policies of Indonesia Import & Export and Changes in Practice
Riza Buditomo Partner Jakarta, Baker & Mckenzie
Panel Discussion: Challenges and Solutions of Trade Compliance Management
/Strategies under the Current Situation of Global Trade/Customs Environment
Updates on lists of the prohibited import and export goods
New policies on import policies, procedures and documents
Updates on import procedures and requirements for different kinds of commodities/special commodities
Updates on procedures and requirements for different import situations
Changes of HS 2022 and tariffs
How trade compliance managers understand and analyze the impacts of international trade events (US trade policies, Russia-Ukraine conflict, COVID-19 pandemic, etc.)
Analysis of the main risks in trade compliance considering the recent global trade situations/customs environment
Summary of the main strategies in trade compliance considering the recent global trade situations/customs environment
Key points and improvements should be made in compliance management currently
How to develop proper compliance strategies combined with the actual situation of a company
How to tread a fine line between lack of compliance and over-compliance
How to keep the balance between the trade/export control policies of China and other countries
The key changes of international/domestic trade policies that trade compliance managers should notice
Domestic/certain countries' customs policies that affect customs affairs recently
How to balance the different elements in trade compliance (supply chain adjustment, port adjustment, costs, feasibility)
Expert from Customs and Trade Consulting Firm/Law Firm
Senior Trade Compliance Manager
Why Attend This Summit?
The trade policies and measures all over the world are changing constantly due to the rapid development of certain industries, trade cooperation and mutual restraint between major economics and the ongoing updates of customs policies in various countries. Trade compliance practitioners not only need to keep a close eye on the overall direction of trade environment, but also need to understand the impacts of policy changes on practice with both macro and concrete perspective.
Based on this, Ficient Global will hold “The 12th Global Trade Compliance (China) Summit”. Senior trade compliance managers from renowned multinational enterprises, trade compliance experts from trade consulting firms and law firms will be invited as speakers to analyze the current international trade and customs environment and interpret the main trade and customs policy updates and key points in practice of various countries/regions. We hope the summit will help import/export enterprises better understand the global trade environment changes and trends, as well as grasp the latest trade knowledge, in order to better avoid compliance risks in the tide of the times.
Who Should Attend?
June 27, 2024
and Morning Tea
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Address
Planning of Country of Origin and Tariffs in Global Supply Chain Restructuring
Morning Refreshment and Networking
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking
Day One Sessions Ending
and Morning Tea
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Address
Morning Refreshment and Networking
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking
Chair's Closing Remarks and Summit Ending
o Trade Compliance, Customs Affairs, Trade Management, Import & Export Management
o Finance, Tax and Legal Departments
o Logistics, Purchase, Supply Chain and Operation Departments
State-owned, Foreign-capital and Private Import & Export Enterprises
Foreign Invested Production-Oriented Enterprises
Import & Export Enterprises that doing businesses with Asia-Pacific countries, EU and US
Customs, Tax Consulting Firms and Law Firms
Supply Chain and Logistics Service Organizations
Directors, Managers and Practitioners from but not limited to the following departments:
Lawyers and Consultants focusing on the following fields:
o Customs Affairs, International Trade, Indirect Tax, etc.
Managers from Third Party Logistics Service Providers, including:
o Freight Forwarding Agencies, Customs Broker, Logistics Companies, etc.
Dr. Li Li Expert of the World Customs Organization and Founder of O-TECH
Luncheon and Networking
Analysis on Recent Customs Environment of South Korea
● Difficulties and challenges for Chinese enterprises going global
● How to establish a global trade management system for Chinese enterprises going global
● Analysis of the path and experience of cross border supply chain reconstruction
● Analysis of FTA rules of origin and tax rate planning
● Best practice sharing
Kim Tae Joo Partner TP & Customs, Head Customs Attorney KPMG Korea
Seo Dong Sub Director, Customs Attorney KPMG Korea
Customs and Trade Policy Updates of Philippines and Customs Declaration in Practice
● Recent Climate of Customs Audit
● View on MNC’s Transfer Pricing
● How to adjust ACVA scheme
Maes Alconcel Independent Consultant International Trade Expert(Philippines)
● The implementation of RCEP and the impacts
● Requirements and procedure of customs declaration and clearance
● Special requirements of imports & exports and important things in customs declaration: eg. dangerous goods
● Facilitation measures of agricultural imports
Updates of EU Trade Policies, the Trends and the Impacts on Enterprises
● Forced Labor Regulation
● Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D)
● Critical Raw Materials Act(CRMA)
● The European Economic Security Strategy
● New Regulation on packaging and packaging waste
● Foreign Subsidies Regulation
● Newly signed trade agreements, the implementation and the current situation of trade cooperation
● Impacts on Chinese enterprises
De Vlieger, Daan Partner Global Trade Advisory Deloitte (Belgium)
Van Maele, Bertrand Senior Manager Global Trade Advisory Deloitte (Belgium)
Interpretation of Singapore Free Trade Zones (Amendment) Bill and Key Updates of Trade/Customs Policies Recently
● The goal of EU customs reform
● Main regulations and measures of customs reform
● Reform of case-handling procedures
● Work plan of the new Union Customs Code (UCC)
● Import Control System 2(ICS2)
● The new excise duty rules
● The implementation of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
● Amendments of rules of origin for imported goods
● Import regulations and rules of origin related to electric vehicles and batteries
● Impacts of customs reform and policy updates on cross-border e-commerce
● Impacts on Chinese enterprises
June 28, 2024
Current Trends of US Trade /Customs Policy
● Investigations of AD, CVD and Anti-Circumvention
● The progress of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)
● Section 301 investigations
● 337 investigations
● Current situations of CBP enforcement
● Focuses of customs inspection and policy updates
● Requirements of customs declaration for e-commerce goods
● Guide for customs bond amounts
● Compliance solutions for Chinese enterprises in practice
Roy Liu Partner Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP(US)
Hongkong Customs and Trade Policy Updates and the Usage of Trade Facilitation Measures
● The progress of accession to RCEP
● CEPA updates
● Amendments of Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations
● Free Trade Agreement Transshipment Facilitation Scheme (FTA Scheme)
● The progress of implementation of Trade Single Window and related documents/work flow
● Paperless process for the “Mainland Customs and Hong Kong Customs Land Border Cargo Manifest”
● The progress of AEO program, an introduction of AEO program
Xiaofeng Xu Senior Manager Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg (Hong Kong)
Nicole Li Senior Manager Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg (Hong Kong)
Recent Changes of Customs Rules/ Measures of India and Interpretation of Measures Targeting China
● New GST rates
● Tariff adjustment on certain goods
● Cutting import tax on EVs
● Policies of importing electronic goods
● New regulation on imported chemicals
● The progress of DRI(Directorate of Revenue Intelligence)’s investigation on royalties
● The usage of data analysis in customs risk management
● Case studies and measures of anti-dumping related to China
● Case studies of law enforcement related to Chinese goods
Vijay Chauhan Executive Director Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP(India)
Pratik Sharma Manager Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP(India)
Interpretation of the New Policies of Indonesia Customs and the Impacts on Practice
● New policies about import quota and licenses: related products; impacts on customs declaration
● Policy of import tax of elevctric vehicles
● Interpretation of Minister of Industry Regulation No.6 of 2024: new restrictions on importing electronic products
● MoT Regulation No. 36 of 2023 on Import Policies and Arrangements: enhance imports control
● Import Identification Number (API) and approval of imported goods
● Regulatory measures for specific imported goods, eg. software, etc.
Panel Discussion: Trade Compliance Management of Enterprises under the Current Situation
● How to selectively follow and aware the policy changes of international/domestic trade/customs
● How to analyze and prevent the negative impacts of international/domestic trade/customs policy changes
● How to create and establish a system of risk prevention and compliance management that playing a predictive role
● Priorities of risk prevention, compliance management and emergency response under current situations
Thomas Zhao(Moderator) Advisor Ficient Global
Alex Lu Head of Customs Product, GCA Maersk Logistics
Carolyn Zhu Asia Pacific Trade Compliance Director Trane Technologies
Bobo Manager Global Trade EY
Du Daocun Senior Partner LANDING Law Offices
De Vlieger, Daan Partner Global Trade Advisory Deloitte (Belgium)
Van Maele, Bertrand Senior Manager Global Trade Advisory Deloitte (Belgium)
The Progress of EU Customs Reform, Customs Policy Updates and the Impacts on Practice
● An introduction of Free Trade Zones (Amendment) Bill
● The implementation of Free Trade Zones (Amendment) Bill
● The impacts of the amendment in practice
● An introduction and the progress of AEO program
● Newly signed trade agreements, the implementation and the current situation of trade cooperation
● GST rate increase